W ars are fought and we all choose side S
E very day we risk it al L
A nd we start to see the unindividua L
L ike a pit where lives a cobr A
L ike a war where time will slo W
B ringing more pain than we want to bea R
U nable to fight the fear, to push thr U
I cy caves protect from ghosts that ech O
L ives spent searching for the hel P
D ying right in front of U
Wars are fought and we all choose sides
Each to their own private lives
All the emotions carefully stored
Looking for relief from emotional swords
Little daggers that stick beneath the skin
Blood pouring out, pain rushing in
Up go the walls, our guardian gates
In a frantic attempt to run and escape
Lies overcome like sun blocked by clouds
Defenses constructed as others surround
Until this moment, this taste of betrayal
People were seen through a wondrous veil
Out seeped the demons though every crack
Until you first witnessed the white turned to black
Realizing that people would hurt if let close
We build up our fortress to maintain our hope
All the time wishing we could be set free
Let these prisons all crumble, let us see, let us breathe
Let the people join together, that no one might fall
Still our vision is contained inside of our walls
Building cAstLes around our Lives
To harBor the gUILt that we cannot Deny
Unexposed behind the coveruP so carefully contrived
To lOck others oUt we so often tRy
Instead We reALize we're captured deepLy inSide.
that a friend of mine had once written a double acrostic poem, and
feeling I should rise to meet his standard, I tried one of my own. I found that wasn't working out too well (turns out not many words end in U so I had to cheat...), I decided I'd make it a single acrostic. From there I had another idea which is the last of these poems. Three poems, one message. We all build up our walls.